JW Was The Featured Guest on Business AHA’s! with Jim Hayden [Podcast]

Business AHA’s! Is a show about the eureka moment that launched business leaders into their next level of success. I had the pleasure to be invited to join Jim Hayden as his guest this month.

Watch the first few minutes of the interview to hear my ‘Aha’ moment, and from that experience came three valuable business lessons I share with Jim:

  1. Don’t let fear get in the way of your impact.

  2. Slow down to get ahead.

  3. Losing my sight, to clear your vision.

Plus a bonus fourth lesson! Also we discuss some of the changes that came after the Aha moment… watch the full interview below:

Business AHA’s! Is a show about the eureka moment that launched business leaders into their next level of success. Host Jim Hayden's guest this month was JW Rayhons.

Thank you to Jim, Danny, Kari, and the whole team for this opportunity, watch other Business Aha’s! episodes.

Gratitude and be humble.


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