Who Is My Leader? Who Is My Direct Manager? And Do I Trust That Person?

Any of us that are willing to be in a leadership position where you have the responsibility of others, you need other leaders around you to support you.

We absolutely need that right now.

So how do we create an environment where people genuinely say, "I love my job! I'll stand up for whatever we're doing here, because I love my job. I know that my leaders care about me."?

According to the top research institution out there (including Gallup, McKinsey, and Deloitte) the most important reason why somebody loves their job or not, it is, who do they directly see as their leader or manager and the answers to the following questions:

  • Do I trust that person?

  • Can I rely on that person?

  • Do they care about me?

  • Will they go to battle with me?

  • Will they stand up for me an advocate for me?

Those are the main things we have to do as leaders.

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