Utilize Your Strengths to Enhance Your Influence
What’s Included
Focuses on the deeper drivers of leadership success through an interactive program with 3 core sections:
Thought - the power of mindset
Drive - internal drive
Contribution - the greater impact of contribution
At various points throughout the day we use group discussion, a kinesiology exercise, self-reflection, video, music, team strengths identification, idea sharing, and gratitude acknowledgement to create an empowering session.
Through purposeful and experiential learning people gain insights to utilize their strengths to better execute, influence, build relationships and think strategically.
Leadership Session (Approx. 4-6 hrs)
CliftonStrengths identify your natural talents, so you can perform better in your job, build stronger relationships and achieve personal growth. Gallup assessments are easy to take, and empowers your people for greater performance. Results are instantly available.
Gallup Strengths Assessment & Personalized Report
Questions? Connect with us…
or give us a call (480) 360-5353
RELATED VIDEO from our YouTube channel: [1 min.] Empowering and Encouraging Others: Investing in Positive Accountability
Benefits of the Utilize Your Strengths to Enhance Your Influence training
Other organizations have experienced the benefits of:
clearer vision & organizational direction
stronger Strengths-based focus
increased team performance
exceeding predetermined measurable success levels
greater employee engagement and alignment with mission
enhanced talent retention
identifying future leaders
How To Book A Training
Start With A Conversation
Support and participation from your leadership team is a critical key to our success. We start with a conversation to help us identify:
what you see as a successful outcome
select the participants
support the completion of the Gallup Strengths Assessment prior to the retreat
provide any measurable areas of focus
Align Objectives
Improve the quality, value, and performance of your team as well as continue the momentum of successes you’re currently experiencing. We will work together to equip your leaders to execute a clear, significant vision and direction for your organization.
We will focus on core beliefs, behaviors, and habits that allow people to exceed expectations.
Impactful Training
Highly engaging, experiential-based training focused on long-term impact rather than just one-time hype and motivation.
We specifically design the training for long-term impact and continued practice of training exercises.
Joshua Development is focused on measurable results from this training experience for your team.
We are fully committed to success on your terms.
Investment in your people
Let talk about pricing that will meet your organization’s needs.
Connect with us to learn more about the Utilize Your Strengths to Enhance Your Influence training.
or give us a call (480) 360-5353
Success Stories Worth Talking About…
“I'd highly recommend JD if you're looking to take your business to the next level, or at the very least maintain your current success in today's ultra-competitive market.”
Matt Dallas
Publisher at Stroll Seville Publisher at Stroll Agritopia
“The experience and lessons I’ve learned are invaluable and will truly carry me forward both professionally and personally.”
Christie Boutain
Vice President Commercial Loan Officer of Meadows Bank